See those lingering contrails in the sky? They are actually chemtrails filled with aluminum, barium, and cadmium. Is your electricity provided by a nearby coal burning plant? You're breathing in some mercury. No coal burned nearby? That's okay. The amalgams your dentist used to fill your cavities have enough mercury to send toxic vapors into your body as you chew your food or gum. Let's not forget those compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs that are being encouraged to replace incandescent filament bulbs that are being phased out. Break one, and you'll have to evacuate the room or breathe in mercury vapor. And beware of what type of fish or fish oil you consume and its oceanic source. A Chicago stage actor almost died from mercury toxicity after going on a Sushi binge for several days. Lead used to be so pervasive and toxic that it was banned from gasoline and paint a few decades ago. But some lead piping remains in much of our water supply piping. Still think vaccinations are protective? Vaccines contain mercury and/or aluminum that's injected directly into your blood. They are both able to cross the blood-brain barrier and create neurological problems. Health Ranger video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=3AgKBVaPKWo These and many other heavy metals are being released in our environment by direct exposure or indirect exposure through our food and water. We have to be detoxing constantly using our food and water. Here are five food tips to help you detox heavy metals(1) Drink lots of purified water through reverse osmosis and carbon filtration or a portable Berkey purifier or similar purifier. Fluoride is rocket fuel for getting aluminum through the blood-brain barrier. Chlorine in tap water can mix with lead in piping to create dangerous lead/chlorine compounds.(2) Don't underestimate garlic. It's not just an antibiotic. In the 1970s, before lead was banned from paint, Robert I. Lin, president of Nutritional International in Irvine, California, successfully used garlic to detox lead from children. Dr. Al Sears, MD, also cites raw garlic as an excellent detox food for other heavy metals as well. It's easy to add three to five fresh cloves to your daily diet. (3) Cilantro is excellent for extracting mercury from your body's organs. Use chopped, organic cilantro as a garnishment for your food or make a pesto out of it. It mobilizes mercury so well, it could overwhelm your liver if you don't use one to five grams of chlorella daily to help flush the mercury out. (4) This one may surprise you: Studies have demonstrated that probiotics from fermented foods such as sauerkraut, other fermented veggies, and kefirs help detox heavy metals. Commercial yogurt isn't good enough. (http://www.naturalnews.com) (5) Grapefruit helps eliminate heavy metals. Lemons and limes also help. The pectin in rinds from all citrus fruits is used to create the powerful supplement known as modified citrus pectin, which has demonstrated dramatic heavy metal detox capacity in clinical trials. Chlorella, by the way, is an intensely concentrated chlorophyl food. So eating lots of dark greens daily adds to your overall heavy metal detox capacity. Veggies also contain fiber to help eliminate heavy metals flushed out of organs and lingering in the lower GI tract. It's important to understand that using conventionally grown veggies recycles toxicity back into your system. So try to consume all organic or at least use the following list to avoid the most heavily sprayed crops. (http://www.ewg.org/foodnews/guide/) Sources for this article include: http://curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=839798 http://www.naturalnews.com/029701_garlic_superfood.html |