Why Eat Whole Foods?
Does your diet include this simple ingredient? The health benefits are too great to ignore!
Why is healthy eating so complicated? One month, a product is heralded as the latest miracle food, the must have for every diet. The next, it's a leading cause of cancer. Never has so much been written about diet. And never has bad diet been so wide spread.
Straight out of science fiction have come edible substances grown in labs and dispensed from machines, formulated to be convenient, taste great and make a profit. Yet these concoctions, (like margarine, high-fructose corn syrup, refined flour, genetically modified foods (GMO's), and the like.) are huge failures. They may taste good, but they are destroying our health. Diet-related diseases like diabetes and heart disease are more common than ever. A third of Americans are overweight and another 36 percent are obese. The link between our diet and these diseases has been shown to be quite strong.
Still, the question remains: Amid all the confusion and misleading information on the subject, how can you really improve your diet?
Here is a wonderful truth you can count on. It is simple, and it is powerful. All it takes is a dash of humility about the limits of food science. You have to acknowledge that the healthiest food is natural food as it was created. one has to also consider that newer foods in the ecosystem; such as milk, milk products, and soybeans take thousands of years for us to adapt to fully digesting them. Soybeans, for example, have only been in the european diet about 500 yrs. The orientals usually ferment it as well,(which helps make it more digestable). Americans almost never ferment it.
The key to a healthier diet is this: eat whole, natural foods and in as ancient a form as possible. GMO's, pasteurization, hybrid foods even can be a problem. Why is there so much talk about gluten sensitivity? Did you know that wheat used to be about 3% gluten? Through hybridization, we now have strains of wheat with 50% gluten. How natural is that?
Our next blog will include:A Brief History of White Flour

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