Sunday, December 9, 2012

Food Synergy


Food Synergy

Scientists have tried to isolate exactly what it is about whole grains that makes them so great.
Is it the fiber? The vitamins? But they were surprised to find that if you just add the fiber, by itself, 
back into your diet, these whole grain benefits don't return. Nor do those benefits if you add just the vitamins.
A survey of studies by David R. Jacobs and Lyn M. Steffen published in The American Journal of  Clinical Nutrition in 2003 concluded that components of whole grains are good on their own,but when combined in exactly the quantity found in whole grains, they have an added benefit. The whole is literally greater than the sum of its parts.
Science is starting to uncover how complex and perfect the natural process of wheat growth is. Its hundreds of natural chemicals all works together to power human health. When just one of these chemicals is eaten by itself, it doesn't have the same benefit. You could take some vitamins in pills, eat the fiber on its own, and get your calories from white bread. You could find some way to still get all the components that make up whole grains, but that still wouldn't be as good for you. When eaten inside the natural, untouched grain, these chemicals are mixed together in the perfect ratio to give us the maximum health benefit.
Jacobs and Steffen called this food synergy. It should be noted that Dr. Royal Lee of Standard Process, felt that there was some unknown food nutrient destroyed when you process food too much. (He was about 80 yrs ahead of his time). One might say our creator knows more than scientists in drug labs making synthetic vitamins.
So, knowing this, why do the drug companies make synthetic vitamins and/or fraction off a piece of a vitamin complex and tell people "this is the most important part"? With over 35yrs of research and study in nutrition, what I've found is: (1) the law states "you cannot patent a natural substance". (2)
Patents mean millions even billions of dollars. What you end up buying is a patented product disguised the hope of health.
More on this subject later.


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