EPA May Slow Cognitive Decline
long-chain omega-3 fatty acids and atrophy of the medial temporal lobe,"
Samieri C, Maillard P, et al, Neurology, 2012 Aug 14; 79(7):642-50.
(Address: Cecilia Samieri, Epidemiologie de la nutrition et des
comportements alimentaires, Centre INSERM
U897-Epidemiologie-Biostatistique, Bordeaux, France. E-mail:
Cecilia.Samieri@isped.u-bordeaux2.fr ).
A clinical study involving 281 community
dwellers aged 65 years or older found that supplementation with omega-3
fatty acids may be linked to lower gray matter atrophy. Subjects' plasma
fatty acid levels were measured at baseline, and MRI examinations were
performed at baseline and at 4 years. Results found that higher plasma
EPA, but not DHA, was associated with lower gray matter atrophy of the
right hippocampal/parahippocampal area and of the right amygdala. These
results indicate that EPA intake may slow cognitive decline. Additional
research is warranted.
Statin Drugs May Influence Impact of Omega-3 Fatty Acids
METABOLIC SYNDROME - Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Statin, Myocardial Infarction, EPA, DHA, ALA
"Effects of omega-3 fatty acids on
major cardiovascular events in statin users and non-users with a history
of myocardial infarction," Eussen SR, Geleijnse JM, et al, Eur Heart J,
2012 Jul; 33(13): 1582-8. (Address: Olaf H. Klungel, Division of
Pharmacoepidemiology and Clinical Pharmacology, Utrecht Institute for
Pharmaceutical Sciences, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
E-mail: O.H.Klungel@uu.nl ).
A randomized, blinded, placebo-controlled
trial involving 3740 statin users and 413 statin non-users found that
statins modify the effects of omega-3 fatty acids on major adverse
cardiovascular events in patients with a history of myocardial
infarction (MI). Subjects received daily either 400 mg eicosapentaenoic
acid (EPA) plus docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), or 2 g alpha-linolenic acid
(ALA), or both, or placebo. Results showed that statin non-users who
received EPA-DHA plus ALA experienced a reduced incidence of
cardiovascular events, while for statin users, omega-3 did not reduce
the incidence of CV events. Results indicate that statins may modify the
effect of omega-3 fatty acids, but that for patients with a history of
MI who are not treated with statins, low-dose supplementation with
omega-3 fatty acids may reduce major cardiovascular events.
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