What is Turmeric? (Curcuma longa)
As well as providing its distinctive flavor and color to curries and other foods, Turmeric's versatility extends this medicinal spice easily from the kitchen cabinet to the medicine chest.
Turmeric is long-recognized as one of nature’s most powerful medicines. It's no wonder that, in Indonesia, Turmeric is known as the “Queen of All Herbs,” and in the Ayurvedic tradition of India, why Turmeric has been used medicinally for over 4000 years.
According to a study published in Arthritis & Rheumatism (2006), Turmeric can significantly reduce joint inflammation in osteoarthritis. Its main mechanism of action is via COX-2 inhibition, the same pathway that many prescription anti-inflammatory and arthritis drugs target. Turmeric does this, however, without the dangerous side effects incumbent upon many pharmaceuticals.
What is Turmeric used for?
- Anti-inflammatory - arthritis, prostatitis (BPH)
- Digestive support
- Supports liver detoxification
- Powerful antioxidant

What Are the Benefits of Boswellia?
Boswellia is an herb that is taken from the Boswellia serrata tree in the form of a gummy resin. Boswellia has been used for thousands of years to help with and heal several medical conditions. Research has shown that the ingredients in Boswellia have many health benefits, such as improving blood flow.
Read more: What Are the Benefits of Boswellia? | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/facts_5035505_benefits-boswellia.html#ixzz29KkqkfMb
- The Boswellia serrata tree is found in the dry hilly areas of India. For thousands of years, Indian healers have used the gummy resin to treat ringworm
, diarrhea and pulmonary disease, and for its anti-inflammatory properties.
- The anti-inflammatory properties of Boswellia help to reduce the pain of rheumatoid
arthritis and osteoarthritis. Boswellia also has a high level of gugglesterones, which help people to lose weight. The Boswellia can easily be found in many over-the-counter weight-loss supplements.
Read more: What Are the Benefits of Boswellia? | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/facts_5035505_benefits-boswellia.html#ixzz29KneIlab
- The acid from Boswellia increases the blood flow to joint tissues and prevents the breakdown of connective tissue. Boswellia is beneficial in reducing weight because it stimulates the thyroid. Once the thyroid is stimulated, this leads to an increase in thyroid efficiency, and an increase in calories burned.
- Boswellia can also be beneficial in improving the symptoms of asthma
. People who have asthma and take Boswellia can notice a reduction in attacks.
Boswellia can be a pain reliever for people who don't suffer from arthritis. The extract from Boswellia acts as a natural aspirin or ibuprofen.
These 2 herbs are some of the best for inflammation and are often combined in many formulassuch as our Boswellia Complex(available at our office) or Relief First(available @ our office or http://greensfirst.com/1838/gf_content2_2011.asp?node=2)
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