Alternative Depression Treatments That Really Work
Alternative Depression TreatmentsLearning what to do about depression
is of the utmost importance to the hundreds of millions of people
worldwide who are afflicted with it. You are desperately seeking answers
for yourself or loved ones for the safest course of treatment. Knowing
what the dangerous side effects of prescription medications are, you
will want to take a few moments to consider some of the options when it
comes to safe alternative depression treatments.
St. John's Wart. This is often considered to be one of the best therapy tools that people can use. In studies, it has shown to be far more effective than most of the medications available and has fewer health concerns.
Vitamins B and D. B Vitamins have been linked to improving the mood of a person and helping with their brain function. By increasing your B Vitamins intake, there is a strong potential for you to improve your depression symptoms and you can start to feel better quickly. Foods high in B vitamins include Leafy greens, Eggs, Beans, whole grains, fish.
Vitamin D has also been found to improve depression. According to Dr. Mercola "Optimizing your vitamin D levels through proper sun exposure, use of a safe tanning bed or vitamin D3 supplementation may be an important step to protect your mental and emotional health." (1)
Exercising. Exercising alone can help you to begin to feel better and improve your mood. Dr. Weil recommends thirty minutes of continuous aerobic exercise, at least five days a week for best results.
Massages. Studies have shown that massages do help the body to experience a reduction in stress. Over time, this can help it to heal and improve the way we feel. With that in mind, you are going to want to consider regular massages. This will reduce the hormones and cortisol in your body and this can lead to a reduction in the depression that you end up feeling.
Acupuncture. When a trained acupuncturist works on you, studies have shown that your body can reduce the severity of the depression that it experiences. Acupuncture can change your brain chemistry in a good way so that you see a different outlook on life.
Individually, these natural approaches may have a little impact, but together they can dramatically reduce or eliminate depression and they are the safest choices you will have for improving your health without side effects.
Many people don't know what to do about depression. So here come greedy and unscrupulous companies who would love for you to think that the only solution is a costly pill. It can cost you more than money. Sometimes it can cost you your life. Now you know how to naturally treat depression.
The truth is that many conditions can be improved with lifestyle changes such as diet and exercise. It is your body and your life at stake. Don't be afraid to do your research and ask questions in order to find the best solution.
(1) New study shows this vitamin helps prevent depression
By Dr. Mercola
N. Curtis has written dozens of health articles and is the author of the Amazingly Informative and Extremely Entertaining Free Special Health Report "It's Your Body, You Can Die If You Want To!" Check it out now at http://www.youcandieifyouwantto.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6793507
St. John's Wart. This is often considered to be one of the best therapy tools that people can use. In studies, it has shown to be far more effective than most of the medications available and has fewer health concerns.
Vitamins B and D. B Vitamins have been linked to improving the mood of a person and helping with their brain function. By increasing your B Vitamins intake, there is a strong potential for you to improve your depression symptoms and you can start to feel better quickly. Foods high in B vitamins include Leafy greens, Eggs, Beans, whole grains, fish.
Vitamin D has also been found to improve depression. According to Dr. Mercola "Optimizing your vitamin D levels through proper sun exposure, use of a safe tanning bed or vitamin D3 supplementation may be an important step to protect your mental and emotional health." (1)
Exercising. Exercising alone can help you to begin to feel better and improve your mood. Dr. Weil recommends thirty minutes of continuous aerobic exercise, at least five days a week for best results.
Massages. Studies have shown that massages do help the body to experience a reduction in stress. Over time, this can help it to heal and improve the way we feel. With that in mind, you are going to want to consider regular massages. This will reduce the hormones and cortisol in your body and this can lead to a reduction in the depression that you end up feeling.
Acupuncture. When a trained acupuncturist works on you, studies have shown that your body can reduce the severity of the depression that it experiences. Acupuncture can change your brain chemistry in a good way so that you see a different outlook on life.
Individually, these natural approaches may have a little impact, but together they can dramatically reduce or eliminate depression and they are the safest choices you will have for improving your health without side effects.
Many people don't know what to do about depression. So here come greedy and unscrupulous companies who would love for you to think that the only solution is a costly pill. It can cost you more than money. Sometimes it can cost you your life. Now you know how to naturally treat depression.
The truth is that many conditions can be improved with lifestyle changes such as diet and exercise. It is your body and your life at stake. Don't be afraid to do your research and ask questions in order to find the best solution.
(1) New study shows this vitamin helps prevent depression
By Dr. Mercola
N. Curtis has written dozens of health articles and is the author of the Amazingly Informative and Extremely Entertaining Free Special Health Report "It's Your Body, You Can Die If You Want To!" Check it out now at http://www.youcandieifyouwantto.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6793507
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